Renee Roley's capacity to consistently put themself in the middle of their creative expression always astounded me. While Renee's life was in ways a practice in visibilizing themself, I sometimes wonder if this aspect of Renee was also related to their long career as a professional bicyclist, viewing their singular process of moving themself across space as art in itself, not much need to hide behind metaphor or allegory or dangerous marketing photo shoots, minus the money needed to keep cycling. Renee brought this self-assurance to their collaborations with my art as well, and I am still grateful for this reminder to not hide myself or shrink myself when making art and expressing my ideas to an audience. In what ways do you center yourself in your creative works? |
Today's cartoon is the glorious reimagining of a drawing I didn't know what to do with until one of my Patreon supports added just the magic it needed to bring this image back from the trash pile. |
~ 3/3 ~
on this day
~ celebrating four years of daily cartoons ~